So we get a lot of people asking about standing up – all the time ! Well, we always default to saying watch the stability video on our video page, and youtube. It clearly shows just how stable the boat is. Actually- watch all the videos, especially fishing video. Take a look at the pictures in this post as well. When fishing from the Solo, you can stand throw a net( watch video), fight a fish, cast, paddle, you name it. This is one of the best reasons to fish from a Solo !
Well – if you are still not convinced- watch the surf videos…. If running thru waves does not convince you that you can stand up in a Solo well…not sure what to say haha ! Standing up in a lot of different fishing kayaks is not so great….as lots of us know. Standing in a Solo really is easy. It truly depends on you though. If you are a kayak fisherman, stepping into a Solo Skiff for the first time will blow you away… it is not just one thing, it is a combination of all the design factors that make standing in a Solo so awesome.The Solo Skiff is very stable for a kayak, its still no Boston Whaler but if your used to typical kayaks, then standing in a Solo is a breeze- it really depends on the angler though. Just like we say, if your used to a yak, standing in a Solo will make you laugh its so easy. Wether you stand in the cockpit or seat is up to you – watch the paddle video as well- it shows stand up paddling on the Solo Skiff.